The 1968 Comeback Special Rare Photos

Aired Dec. 1968, ( taped June 1968 )

Many excellent photos were shot during the production of Elvis Presley's ledgendary 1968 Comeback Special. Some were used for albums,
ads, promo photos, calenders, etc., But many that were even more dynamic were never used, This has been a mystery thru-out Elvis' career.
Even up thru the 2004 release of the deluxe DVD "68 comeback Special-Special Edition". No photo was used on the cover, though the estate
said it was the insert and not the final cover. The booklet was promoted as having "never-before-seen photos". There was a grand total of 1,
and it was mostly obscured by a white box with words and red dots. The rest were video scans, even if they were from unrealeased video,
they were still video scans, not photos. Behind the discs were 3 more video scans. All this left a slightly inferior product. It's the quality &
quanity of photos available to be used and were not. A more comprehensive booklet was needed to match the material on the DVD's.
In recent years many photos have appeared in some CD's, books, and TV specials. And in the excellent book collections like those from JAT
Publishing, but his books are not available in stores and unseen to the general public. So the chance to get a lot of photos to the
general public was once again missed with the opportunity the DVD release presented. So the dificulity in finding many excellent "68
Special" photos all in one place is the reason for this site, to present a more "comprehensive" photographic look at this ledgendary
performance. Photos are from many different sourses, but those that are contained in books dealing only with the special will not be
shown as they are generally well represented in those books. Fan contributions welcome.

Opening/Closing Live Production Promo Ads/Albums Etc. Candids DVD Review Alt DVD Art

This book is highly recomended for
more photos not used on this site.

JAT Publishing

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